At a glance
Description: Rizokarpaso/ Ριζοκάρπασο/ Dipkarpaz
All recorded names
Rizokarpaso/ Ριζοκάρπασο/ Dipkarpaz (Default toponym)
Institution: Cyprus permanent committee for the standardisation of geographical names
Title: Οδηγός Τυποποίησης Ονομάτων
Date: 2007
Page: 105
Description: Geonoma
Rizokarpason/ Ριζοκάρπασον (Default toponym)
Institution: Cyprus permanent committee for the standardisation of geographical names
Title: Complete Gazetteer of Cyprus
Date: 1987
Page: 1076
Description: CGC
Author: Bustron, Florio VIAF link
Title: Chronique de l'Île de Chypre de Florio Bustron
Date: 1550 - 1570
Page: 31 etc
Description: Riso Carpasso
Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link
Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre
Date: 1580
Page: 27r. [73]
Description: Elee est une ville . . . reduite en village ou bourg, appellé des grecs Riso Carpasso
Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link
Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre
Date: 1580
Page: 27r. [73]
Description: Elee est une ville . . . reduite en village ou bourg, appellé des grecs Riso Carpasso
Author: Moullart-Sanson, Pierre VIAF link
Title: L'Isle (et autrefois royaume) de Chypre
Date: 1720
Page: n/a
Description: Map caption
Author: Jeffery, George VIAF link
Title: A description of the historic monuments of Cyprus
Date: 1918
Page: 253
Description: Rizokarpaso (Dip Karpas) - A large straggling village
Author: Jeffery, George VIAF link
Title: A description of the historic monuments of Cyprus
Date: 1918
Page: 253
Description: Rizokarpaso (Dip Karpas) - A large straggling village
Author: Hogarth, D. G. VIAF link
Title: Devia Cypria
Date: 1889
Page: 59. etc
Description: the residence of the Greek bishop of Famagusta
Associated Archeological Entities
Afroditi Akraia/Ἀφροδίτη Ἀκραία
Agia Athanasia/Ἅγία Ἀθανασία (Rizokarpaso)
Agia Marina/Ἁγία Μαρῖνα (Rizokarpaso)
Agia Mavra/Ἁγία Μαύρα (Rizokarpaso)
Agios Synesios/Ἅγιος Συνέσιος (Rizokarpaso)
Apostolos Andreas/Απόστολος Ανδρέας
Panagia Afentrika/Παναγία Ἀφέντρικα (Rizokarpaso)