Created by: kouroupakisapostolos Lon 32.862°, Lat 34.844°

At a glance
Description: Koilani/Κοιλάνι/Cilan
All recorded names
Koilani/Κοιλάνι/Cilan (Default toponym)
Institution: Cyprus permanent committee for the standardisation of geographical names
Title: Οδηγός Τυποποίησης Ονομάτων
Date: 2007
Page: 100
Description: Geonoma
Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link
Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre
Date: 1580
Page: 34r. [87]
Description: Corinee, ville montueuse
Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link
Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre
Date: 1580
Page: 34r. [87]
Description: les Grecs l'appellent Curree
Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link
Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre
Date: 1580
Page: 34r. [87]
Description: elle est reduite en un bourg, appellé Chillane
Author: Anselme, Bernard
Title: Le diocèse de Limassol d'après le compte de Bernard Anselme (1367)
Date: 1367
Page: 79
Description: Village-fief
Author: Machairas, Leontios/Μαχαιράς VIAF link
Title: Χρονικό της Κύπρου, Manuscript V
Date: 1523
Page: 83, MS. V 15v
Description: πρὸc τὴν ζοτίαν ὁ ἅγιοc εἰρηνικὸς καὶ εἰστὸ κιλάνην ἀλλοc ὁ ἅγιοc θεράπον
Author: Machairas, Leontios/Μαχαιράς VIAF link
Title: Χρονικό της Κύπρου, Manuscript O
Date: 1555
Page: 83, MS. O 8v
Description: πρὸc τὴν ζώτια ὁ ἅγιοc αρνιακὸc ἠστὸ κιλάνην ἔτεροc ἅγιοc θεράπων
Author: Machairas, Leontios/Μαχαιράς VIAF link
Title: Recital concerning the sweet land of Cyprus, entitled 'Chronicle'
Date: 1400
Page: §32. pp. 30-32
Description: πρὸς τὴν Ζωτίαν ὁ ἅγιος Εἰρηνικός, καὶ εἰς τὸ Κιλάνιν ἄλλος, ὁ ἅγιος Θεράπων
Author: Machairas, Leontios/Μαχαιράς VIAF link
Title: Χρονικό της Κύπρου, Manuscript R
Date: 1600
Page: 83, MS. R 11r
Description: προστіν ζοτіαν ὁ αγіοσ αρνіακοσ іστο κіλανіν αλλοσ αγіοσ θεραπον
Author: Kyprianos/Κυπριανός, Αρχιμανδρίτης VIAF link
Title: Ἱστορία Χρονολογικὴ τῆς Νήσου Κύπρου
Date: 1788
Page: 67
Description: χώρα παλαιά
Author: Kyprianos/Κυπριανός, Αρχιμανδρίτης VIAF link
Title: Ἱστορία Χρονολογικὴ τῆς Νήσου Κύπρου
Date: 1788
Page: 67
Description: τώρα λέγεται Κοιλάνιον
Author: Attar, Leonida VIAF link
Title: Cyprus 1542: The Great Map of the Island
Date: 1542 - 1542
Page: 142
Description: Illustration: Short wall, with or without a gate, between two towers Name written in capitals
Author: Bustron, Florio VIAF link
Title: Prattico delle Marathasse Real (MS)
Date: 1549 - 1549
Page: f.66v
Description: Settlement
Author: Bustron, Florio VIAF link
Title: Chronique de l'Île de Chypre de Florio Bustron
Date: 1550 - 1570
Page: 34 etc
Description: "Chilani"
Institution: Cyprus permanent committee for the standardisation of geographical names
Title: Complete Gazetteer of Cyprus
Date: 1987
Page: 551
Description: CGC
Associated Archeological Entities
Agia Mavri/Ἁγία Μαύρη (Koilani)