
Created by: mariankyriakidou Lon 33.299°, Lat 34.740°

At a glance

Description: Mari/Μαρί/Tatlisu


All recorded names

  • Mari/Μαρί (Default toponym)

    Institution: Cyprus permanent committee for the standardisation of geographical names

    Title: Complete Gazetteer of Cyprus

    Date: 1987

    Page: 795

    Description: CGC

    Attestation link


  • Mari/Μαρί/Tatlisu (Default toponym)

    Institution: Cyprus permanent committee for the standardisation of geographical names

    Title: Οδηγός Τυποποίησης Ονομάτων

    Date: 2007

    Page: 102

    Description: Geonoma

    Attestation link


  • Author: Attar, Leonida VIAF link

    Title: Cyprus 1542: The Great Map of the Island

    Date: 1542 - 1542

    Page: 140

    Description: Illustration: Tower on the left, attached to a house


  • Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link

    Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre

    Date: 1580

    Page: 21r. [61]

    Description: dicte par les Latins Marium, est une ville fort ancienne

    Attestation link


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