
Created by: croueche Lon 33.129°, Lat 34.713°

At a glance

Description: Amathous/Ἀμαθοῦς


All recorded names

  • Amathous/Ἀμαθοῦς (Default toponym)

    Institution: Cyprus permanent committee for the standardisation of geographical names

    Title: Complete Gazetteer of Cyprus

    Date: 1987

    Page: 94

    Description: CGC

    Attestation link

  • Institution: Cyprus Department of Antiquities

    Title: Department of Antiquities website

    Date: 2014


    Description: Department of Antiquities website

    Attestation link

  • Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link

    Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre

    Date: 1580

    Page: 20v. [60]

    Description: Amathe, ou Amathuse, est une ville très-ancienne au rivage de la mer

    Attestation link

  • Author: Machairas, Leontios/Μαχαιράς VIAF link

    Title: Recital concerning the sweet land of Cyprus, entitled 'Chronicle'

    Date: 1400

    Page: §30. pp. 28-29

    Description: Τύχωνος τοῦ ἁγιωτάτου ἐπισκόπου Ἀμαθούντων, τουτἔστιν τῶν Λευκάρων

    Attestation link

    Author: Machairas, Leontios/Μαχαιράς VIAF link

    Title: Χρονικό της Κύπρου, Manuscript V

    Date: 1523

    Page: 81, MS. V 14v

    Description: τυχόνοc τοῦ ἁγιώτάτου ἐπιcκόπου ἀμαθοῦντων

    Author: Machairas, Leontios/Μαχαιράς VIAF link

    Title: Χρονικό της Κύπρου, Manuscript O

    Date: 1555

    Page: 81, MS. O 7r

    Description: ὁ αγἵοc τύχονοc επἴσκοποc ἀμαθούντων

    Author: Machairas, Leontios/Μαχαιράς VIAF link

    Title: Χρονικό της Κύπρου, Manuscript R

    Date: 1600

    Page: 81, MS. R 10r

    Description: ὁ αγіοσ τіχονοσ επіσκοποσ αμαθουντον

  • Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link

    Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre

    Date: 1580

    Page: 20r. [60]

    Description: Amathe, ou Amathuse, est une ville très-ancienne au rivage de la mer

    Attestation link


  • Author: Lusignan, Estienne de VIAF link

    Title: Description de toute l'isle de Cypre

    Date: 1580

    Page: 20v. [60]

    Description: Toutefois les Grecs l'appelle Lemise la vieille

    Attestation link


  • Author: Strabo, geographer VIAF link

    Title: Geographia (Strabo)

    Date: 7 BC

    Page: 14.6.3

    Description: εἶτ᾽ Ἀμαθοῦς πόλις

    Attestation link

    Author: Ptolemaeus, Claudius VIAF link

    Title: Geographia (Ptolemy)

    Date: 150 - 170

    Page: 5.13.2, 955

    Description: Ἀμαθοῦς 65*45 35°00

    Attestation link

    Author: Kyprianos/Κυπριανός, Αρχιμανδρίτης VIAF link

    Title: Ἱστορία Χρονολογικὴ τῆς Νήσου Κύπρου

    Date: 1788

    Page: 34

    Description: Ἀμαθοῦς πόλις πρωτεύουσα, καὶ ἀρχαιοτάτη

    Attestation link


  • Author: Nikolaou, K. VIAF link

    Title: Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

    Date: 1976

    Page: n/a

    Description: PECS article

    Attestation link


  • Author: Bustron, Florio VIAF link

    Title: Chronique de l'Île de Chypre de Florio Bustron

    Date: 1550 - 1570

    Page: 12

    Description: Amathussa, in a list of cities

    Attestation link


  • Author: Bustron, Florio VIAF link

    Title: Chronique de l'Île de Chypre de Florio Bustron

    Date: 1550 - 1570

    Page: 16 etc

    Description: [...] Amathonda, hora chiamata Limisso vecchia, fabricata da gli Argivi.

    Attestation link


  • Author: Bustron, Florio VIAF link

    Title: Chronique de l'Île de Chypre de Florio Bustron

    Date: 1550 - 1570

    Page: 16

    Description: [...] Amathonda, hora chiamata Limisso vecchia,

    Attestation link


  • Author: Pliny, The Elder VIAF link

    Title: Naturalis Historia

    Date: 69 - 79

    Page: 5.53

    Description: in a list of cities

    Attestation link

    Author: Sandys, George VIAF link

    Title: Sandys Travels: containing an history of the original and present state of the Turkish empire

    Date: 1673

    Page: 172

    Description: The city Amathus, now scarcely showing her foundation (Sandys)

    Attestation link

  • Author: Attar, Leonida VIAF link

    Title: Cyprus 1542: The Great Map of the Island

    Date: 1542 - 1542

    Page: 142

    Description: Illustration: Ruined walls and buildings Name written in capitals


Associated Archeological Entities

Amathous/Ἀμαθοῦς, chapel

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