At a glance
Description: Prastio(Ammochostou)/Πραστιό(Αμμοχώστου)/Prastyo(Mağusa)
All recorded names
Prastion/Πραστιόν (Default toponym)
Institution: Cyprus permanent committee for the standardisation of geographical names
Title: Complete Gazetteer of Cyprus
Date: 1987
Page: 1057
Description: CGC
Prastio(Ammochostou)/Πραστιό(Αμμοχώστου)/Prastyo(Mağusa) (Default toponym)
Institution: None
Title: Οδηγός Τυποποίησης Ονομάτων
Date: 2007
Page: 105
Description: Geonoma
Associated Archeological Entities
None recorded